Friday, January 11, 2008

Is football the new affirmative action?

Here’s a remarkable statement on just bleak the college enrollment picture is for African-American men: At 96 of the 330 colleges that participate in NCAA Division I sports, scholarship athletes make up more than one-fifth of the black male enrollment.


Anonymous said...

Yes in terms of being able to enter into college. However, the admittance into college does not determine what they will do once they get there. Often, athletes do not finish college for a variety of reasons including dropping out, or professional sports. These people do not perpetuate the desire to go to college therefor not increasing the number of people in future generations who attend based on scholastic merit and not athletic merit.

Anonymous said...

If the ratio between African-American students and African-American student-athletes is put into place then it IS affirmative action. By forcing a quota (for every 5 athletes there needs to be 25 students) then you're making students the dependent variables to the athletes. The argument is that theres more time and money spent on recruiting black male athletes, whereas that same time and money could spent trying to recruit more black students from around the nation.

Anonymous said...

I see this trend as a reflection of the distorted value system of colleges and universities who seem to value black males for what they can do for the athletic rankings of the school and dismiss the idea that African American males can contribute to intellectual discourse in the classroom or help shape the campus climate to be inviting and appealing to other minorities.
I would also encourage group 2 look beyond what it seems like "these people" desire to achieve and consider other factors that could impact the persistence of black males on these campuses such as lack of mentorship, sterotyping by faculty members or a lack of healthy peer relationships.